By Lauren
So I'm in Tasmania at the moment, and Mum suggested that it might be a good idea to do some travel writing. Below is a summary of what that means and what I'll do and all that.

I'm not quite sure what travel writing means but I think it's basically I write stuff based on or inspired by the places I go. That's proving harder than it sounds and inspiration is coming to me ve-ery slowly, I'll do my best to get some stuff up today though.
From my (basic) understanding of travel writing, the link to the place doesn't necessarily have to be obvious. The story could be inspired by something seen in a shop window, or a certain house or the weather or anything, really. It can also be in the form of a short story, scene, poem, or just a paragraph.
For each peice I put up, I'll include the place, a summary of it and my inspiration. Wish me luck!