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Writing Tips From Will Kostakis

Lauren and Georgia

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

By Georgia

I was fortunate enough to get the chance to listen and talk to the author Will Kostakis today for his new book, Monuments. The presentation was amazing and I even got some signed copies, which is just every book nerds dream. Here are some tips from Will himself, just in time for NaNoWriMo!

1. Get feedback and use it.

Share your writing with anyone and everyone. Will talked about how once he starting getting feedback and acting on it, his writing immediately started to improve.

2. Persevere with what you love.

If you love to write, WRITE. Keep doing the things you love and it’ll work out.

3. Find inspiration in anything.

Even if it’s the most random things, if it inspires you, use it. You can always do what Will did and follow your grandma for the day.

4. Turn everyday life into a story by asking "what if?"

Just ask "what if?" whenever you’re doing something mundane. On the bus to school, what if the bus was hijacked by a mad man? Turn everyday situations into wild stories.

5. Face your fears in writing.

Write the things that scare you. Your biggest fears, write about what would happen if they came true.

6. If you can’t stop thinking about something, write about it.

I personally use this one a lot. Anything you’ve got stuck in your head, write it down and see if you can flesh it out into a story.

7. Inject personal details into your writing.

Don’t be afraid to but personal things into your writing, it’s what makes it real.

So, armed with some amazing tips from Will Kostakis, get writing!

P.S. Go check out if Will is coming to a place near you, he’s amazing to listen to and very inspiring.


1 comentario

Simon Krupka
Simon Krupka
28 sept 2019

Thanks Georgia!

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